Orange County Computer Consultant

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Orange County Computer Consultant helps small businesses with networking, installations and small business software.

Friday, November 25, 2005

Making Money

It is Friday morning and I'm thinking about how to make more money on the Internet. There is allot of opportunities. I'm currently using Google Adsense and am constantly looking at ways to improve traffic to my website and total number of clickthrus. I run my own computer consulting company, which is fine. I would rather work fulltime from home because I have a baby on the way and would love to spend all the time I can with my girlfriend, child and my computers. I currently have two jobs. I like my day job, but hate my slow computer at work, it is also not as technically challenging as I would like.

Then there is affiliate programs. I like Amazon because I can select what books amongst other items I want displayed.
The possibilities are almost endless. It takes allot of writing, even more research and link building to get the results I’m looking for. I would like to make a fulltime income of the Internet and not even leave the house unless there is some interesting security problem or technical problem to get into. I'm thinking about just writing more security articles on a daily basis as well. I do it for fun and to share knowledge.

It must be the Colombian coffee this morning because my mind is racing with business ideas of ways to profit and turn nothing into something. I don’t want to reveal too much though because there is always competition :) I’m looking forward to going to the USENIX conference in December it should be a blast. I will be blogging and taking photos of every bit as well. Then I and my pregnant girlfriend will be making a trip to San Diego to Sea world.

This February I should be going back to college, I have attended like 6 community colleges, various trade schools and I'm not even a PH.D.. I think my problem is that I focus on only technical classes and not the General Curriculum suggested. YAWN. The classes I’m looking at? Oddly enough more psychology and ecommerce, maybe a design class. I took Java and could not stand it. They don’t offer Python.