Orange County Computer Consultant

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Orange County Computer Consultant helps small businesses with networking, installations and small business software.

Tuesday, April 25, 2006

Search Engine Marketing Job

Well things are changing for the better in my life, I got a new job placing ads in search engines thru Yahoo Search Marketing and Google Adwords.Its a cool company too. I cannot beleive how much money is in the industry, and all the new stuff I'm learning about. The biggest issue? Click Fraud. There is alot but not as much as people think.

I'm currently learning about Google's API's and plan on taking PHP next semester. Everything is going webbased. This is cool and scary at the same time. Most of the stuff on the net is vulnerable on the net there are exploits posted daily. How much stuff of mine do I really want on the web? Besided this and a couple of other blogs not much.