Orange County Computer Consultant

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Orange County Computer Consultant helps small businesses with networking, installations and small business software.

Wednesday, December 14, 2005

Building Internet Firewalls

Building Internet Firewalls by Oreilly

This book covers the basics of firewall technology to the nitty gritty details. I highly recommend it. It is well written and covers such interesting topics as protocols, databases, security strategies and examles of firewall setups.

Building Internet Firewalls covers packet Filtering, Proxy Services, NAT- network address translation and VPN's virtual private networks. Firewall architecture such as single box, screened host, bastion host, multiple screened hosts, modems and internal firewalls for your intranets.

The different ways to filter traffic are also discussed in depth. You can filter based upon address, protocol, source and destination addresses amongst many other variables. It discusses both Micorsoft Windows and *nix based solutions.

It goes over Internet Services such as RPC, DCOM, DOM, CIFS, SMB, SSL, RAS, PPTP and so many others.

This book is a awesome reference to add to your security analyst book collection.