Orange County Computer Consultant

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Orange County Computer Consultant helps small businesses with networking, installations and small business software.

Wednesday, December 14, 2005

Sales Tips

-Here are some tips for people in sales, hope this helps.

Anticipate objections and be ready with rebuttals.

Get down to the real objection.

Follow up with all leads.

Do it the best its ever been done.

Its all numbers, dial more.

Provide value for customers.

Control the conversation, listen even more.

Follow ethical practices.

Planning, goal setting, decision making, delegation and communication work on improving these areas.

Toss out ideas at meetings.

Keep abreast of the market

Look for multiple sources of income.

Assume responsibility for your actions.

Build relationships.

Network like crazy.

Be resourcefull, ready, remebered and relentless.

Help customers discover the best solutions.

Persist and dont give up!

I've been in sales for 15 years this can be valuable to new sales people and veterans.