Orange County Computer Consultant

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Orange County Computer Consultant helps small businesses with networking, installations and small business software.

Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Business Intelligence

Business Intelligence is used to find patterns and trends to spot opportunities. This is awesome technology. Databases can be modeled to look for this data, then turn it into information. The saying information is power is true. Business Intelligence allow you to peer into all the data to see your best customers, best locations for real estate, stock trends, and economic data.

It can be used to look at customer behaviour, what magazines they order, websites visited to, and much more. This is information can then be used by marketing and advertising companies or even worse spammers or telemarketers.

The future hold real time data analytics and business intelligence. Where decision's can be made on the spot. Talk about pressure.

There is a open source data mining tool called Rapid. Data mining, AI, data warehousing and analytics are interesting topics. I will be taking SQL next semester.

The government uses a similar technology for homeland security using databases to look for patterns and similarities to detect threats to our nation.