Orange County Computer Consultant

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Orange County Computer Consultant helps small businesses with networking, installations and small business software.

Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Microsoft Products

It seems like everyday there is a new Microsoft software title. It's mind boggling. There is Microsoft Expression. Which is web design suite. It allows for CSS layouts and also works well with .NET. This is not a surprise. There is also something called Microsoft accounting. I found this interesting, because I need accounting program for Phuture Networks to bill my clients.

Microsoft also has something called start up center. It's a good resource covering everything from tax laws to office setup. I like the fact it has list's of things that can be needed as office supplies and then links to Kinko's and other office supply places. It's a startup portal.

They have a certification called Microsoft Small Business Specialist. This is a test that I'm planning to take. Microsoft has allot of good information.