Orange County Computer Consultant follows a security methodology for testing your security.
Orange County Computer Security helps secure small business servers and networks in the Orange County area.
The first step we do is gather information. We want to know your IP address ranges, employee names, DNS information, emails. We look on wesbites such as Facebook, we look on forums, job boards. We look at your company from a attackers view. We use the same tools attackers use to test your defenses.
Target Discovery. At this stage we check to see what type of operating systems you are running. How is the network setup? What type of applications are you running? What versions? This is also known as operating system fingerprinting. Once we have this information we will see if you are vulnerable.
Enumerating the target- We will check to see what ports are open. We use various scanning techniques to avoid intrusion detection systems or bypass your firewalls. We see what applications are listening and check to see if they are exploitable.
At this point we can attempt to gain access to your system. We require written permission for all of the following testing. Give us a call today if you are concerned about the security of your network.