Orange County Computer Consultant

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Orange County Computer Consultant helps small businesses with networking, installations and small business software.

Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Artificial Intelligence

When will AI come to the point that we live in a world like IRobot. I often think of developing a massive database of information. It would be very sweet to have AI, running in the database. It would look for patterns, learn and try to make logical decision's. I read about data mining, data warehousing, and data modeling. This is all in the field of informatics.

Artificial Intelligence is developing intelligent systems to mimic human behavior. AI can be applied to all fields of research. There is also the thought that AI will one day take over humans. Pretty scary.

There are so many databases out there on the Net. Imagine if someone developed a intelligent spider to crawl the net looking for correlations, trends over even try to predict future events. This is already a reality.