Orange County Computer Consultant

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Orange County Computer Consultant helps small businesses with networking, installations and small business software.

Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Microsoft Security Alerts for Sept 2007

Microsoft released some security alerts. There is only one critcal alert. It allows an attacker to run code remotely on your machine. This is dangerous because they can ask fr a shell back to their computer to execute commands.

Here are four of the alerts:

MS07-051 - addresses a vulnerability in Windows (KB 938827)

MS07-052 - addresses a vulnerability in Visual Studio (KB 941522)

MS07-053 - addresses a vulnerability in Windows (KB 939778)

MS07-054 - addresses a vulnerability in MSN Messenger and Windows Live Messenger (KB 942099)

To update your system. Click here.

Microsoft has a ton of use full information on security.

Here is their security portal.

Microsoft also has a security response center. The one thing I wonder is why there are so many holes in the first place? There is software that will scan your source code for known vulnerabilities. This should be done before shipping the product!